Renaming Files

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In everyday computer use, there are many opportunities to change the file name of a specific file.

here may also be cases where you want to change the file names of multiple files according to a specific rule.

On this page, we will introduce how to change the file name of one or more files using wildcards or sequential numbers with concrete examples, using the command prompt.

You can also change file names using batch files in the same way.

Commands to use

To change the file name, use the rename command. You can also get the same result by entering ren instead.

By specifying the current file name as the first argument and the desired file name as the second argument, you can change the file name.

Executing from the command prompt

This is an example of renaming a file named “before.txt” saved in My Documents to “after.txt”.

Command Prompt Icon
Command Prompt
Microsoft Windows [Version]
(c) 2024 Ribbit App Development All rights reserved.
C:\users\user>rename before.txt after.txt

Executing from a batch file

@echo off

set FOLDER=%userprofile%\Documents\

rename %FOLDER%before.txt after.txt


Renaming Multiple Files at Once

With the rename command, you can specify wildcards in the first and second arguments to rename multiple files at once.

Here are some examples of how to use this feature.

Renaming with Wildcards

The following command renames the extension of “before.txt” in the “disposable” folder to .html.

Command Prompt Icon
Command Prompt
Microsoft Windows [Version]
(c) 2024 Ribbit App Development All rights reserved.
C:\users\user>rename disposable\before.txt *.html

Renaming with for loop

When you want to add a specific string to the beginning of multiple file names, the rename command alone cannot solve the problem. In this case, you can use a for loop to achieve the desired result.

The following command is an example of adding “renamed_” to the beginning of all file names saved in the current directory.

Note that this command does not apply to folders.

Command Prompt Icon
Command Prompt
Microsoft Windows [Version]
(c) 2024 Ribbit App Development All rights reserved.
C:\users\user>for %f in (*) do rename "%f" "renamed_%f"
Are double quotes necessary?

In the above code, both "%f" and "renamed_%f", which are specified as arguments for the rename command, can be executed without double quotes.

However, if the file name contains a space, the rename will not be executed without double quotes and will result in a syntax error.

Considering the possibility that the target file may contain a space, it is recommended to use double quotes.

For example, consider the following folder structure:



When you execute the above command with C:\test\disposable as the current directory, the output will be as follows.

Command Prompt Icon
Command Prompt
Microsoft Windows [Version]
(c) 2024 Ribbit App Development All rights reserved.
C:\test\disposable>for %f in (*) do rename "%f" "renamed_%f"
C:\test\disposable>rename sample01.txt renamed_sample01.txt
C:\test\disposable>rename sample02.txt renamed_sample02.txt
C:\test\disposable>rename sample03.txt renamed_sample03.txt
C:\test\disposable>rename sample04.txt renamed_sample04.txt

When you check the folder structure, you can see that the file names have been changed as follows:



Confirmation Test

Practice Problem

Which of the following commands can be executed to rename old.txt to new.txt?

#PowerShell #Command Prompt #Batch Files